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Message From the Owners

Our Owners

Your Future Is in Good Hands

Meet Crestone’s Owners, John Sullivan and Greg Rolfe. Together they have the mission to help people become whole again and allow them to live abundant, meaningful and happy lives.  Learn about their Journeys to recovery and what brought them to Crestone.

Greg Rolfe

I was a profoundly hopeless drug addict and alcoholic. I couldn't see the light even when I was in the midst of the sunlight. I journeyed in and out of institutions for years never yielding long enough to pick up the tools provided to me. Finally, on April 29, 2005, after a dozen years run, I was presented once again with the idea that recovery is everything or nothing and in a fortunate state of surrender, I finally took action and my life changed dramatically. I recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body, undergoing a complete psychic change. Because of this miracle, I am staunch advocate for the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous as they have saved my life.

I never could have imagined the life I have today. I have a beautiful wife and two daughters and we share our warm home with our Pomeranian, Birdie. I am an active member of the 12-step community in Austin Texas and regularly spend my time knee to knee helping men who are lost find their way.

My vision with Crestone was to bring a vision of humanizing treatment in a clinical environment into realization with the added practical application of the 12-steps in hopes that all who go through Crestone can experience a meaningful and abundant life.

John Sullivan

I started climbing mountains in 2018 after I being sober for a couple of years. Climbing mountains is not easy. It will literally take your breath away. But it is worth it. There is nothing that compares with the views and the sense of freedom that comes with standing on top of a a14,000 foot peak.

Similarly, my journey to sobriety was, at first, exceedingly difficult. I struggled for years and prior to finally getting sober on January 3, 2016, my life was in absolute shambles. I finally surrendered, though, and my life improved in an almost incomprehensibly beautiful way and today, I steadfastly believe that my sobriety is the greatest gift I have ever received.

When we were naming this facility, I wanted a name that adequately honored the miracle of my own journey and as I pondered this my thoughts continually circled the mountains. I eventually landed on the Crestones (two gorgeous mountains in the Sangre de Cristo Range in southern Colorado) and Crestone Wellness was officially born.

Ultimately, we opened Crestone Wellness to help people suffering from alcoholism and addiction the same way that we were helped. So if you are struggling, please join on this incredible journey towards a meaningful and beautiful life.

About Crestone Wellness

Making a Difference in the Community, One Person at a Time

At Crestone Wellness, we strive to humanize and honor addiction recovery by offering compassionate, quality medical and clinical care. We want to help people become whole again and allow them to live meaningful and happy lives.

  • About Us

    Crestone Wellness is a community of professionals who want to honor those on the road to recovery.

  • Admissions

    Contact our admissions team to find out if your insurance plan covers our services at Crestone Wellness.

  • Our Mission

    Learn more about our mission to humanize and honor addiction recovery.

  • Our Blog

    Read up on our blog to learn more about addiction treatment and the different types of substance abuse disorders.

Message from the owners at crestone wellness

Let’s Overcome Addiction Together – Call Us Today

If you or a loved one are suffering from a substance addiction, the best thing you can do is seek help from qualified and caring professionals.

Our team at Crestone is more than ready to fulfill that role and help you overcome this debilitating and deadly disease.

Contact us today for more information about how we can assist you.