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What Does Benzo Withdrawal Treatment at Crestone Wellness Look Like?

Key points:

  • Benzodiazepine withdrawal occurs when someone abruptly stops or reduces their use of benzodiazepine medications, leading to physical and psychological symptoms.
  • Benzodiazepine addiction is a growing concern, with significant increases in overdose visits and deaths observed, highlighting the risks associated with misuse and abuse.
  • Treatment options for benzodiazepine addiction include detoxification, residential treatment, family programs, and comprehensive aftercare plans, often incorporating various therapeutic modalities.

Benzodiazepine Quick Reference Chart

Drug Category
Commercial & Street Names
Benzos, Xannies
DEA Schedule
Schedule IV
Orally, nasally

What Are the Signs of Benzodiazepine Addiction?

Increased use:

Individuals may gradually increase their dosage of benzodiazepines over time to maintain the desired effects, which can indicate tolerance development.


Physical dependence on benzodiazepines can manifest through withdrawal symptoms when the drug is reduced or discontinued. These symptoms may include agitation, tremors, sweating, and sleep disturbances.


A psychological craving for benzodiazepines can lead to compulsive drug-seeking behavior, with individuals feeling compelled to use the drug despite negative consequences.

A loss of control:

Individuals may struggle to control their benzodiazepine use, taking higher doses than prescribed or using the medication in ways other than intended, such as crushing and snorting pills.

Withdrawal syndrome:

Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when attempting to cut down or stop benzodiazepine use can indicate addiction and physical dependence. These symptoms can range from mild anxiety to severe seizures or psychosis in extreme cases.

a girl struggling with withdrawal symptom leaning on the wall

Is Detox Always Necessary for Benzo Abuse?

What Are The Options For Benzo Withdrawal Treatment?

Levels of Care For Benzo Withdrawal Treatment

Benzo Withdrawal Treatment Modalities

Frequently Asked Questions About Benzodiazepine Addiction and Rehab

Can benzodiazepine addiction occur even if I take the medication as prescribed?

What are the risks of long-term benzodiazepine use?

How long does benzodiazepine withdrawal typically last?

The benzo withdrawal period varies depending on factors such as the specific benzodiazepine used, dosage, duration of use, individual physiology, and tapering method employed. Withdrawal symptoms typically peak within the first 1-2 weeks after discontinuation and gradually subside over several weeks to months. However, some may experience protracted withdrawal symptoms that can persist for months or even years in rare cases

What steps should I take if I'm ready to seek help for benzodiazepine addiction or another substance use disorder?
