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Alcohol Detox Guide: Overcome Alcohol Addiction With The Right Help

What is best way to detox from alcohol. Man drunk off of alcohol passed out on table
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Alcohol use disorder is a widespread problem in the US, with over six percent of the population suffering from alcohol dependence.

When a person stops consuming alcohol regularly, they experience severe withdrawal symptoms, some of which can be dangerous.

The extreme form of alcohol withdrawal known as delirium tremens (DT), which causes abrupt changes in the nerve and brain systems, is a life-threatening health concern that could have devastating consequences.

Fortunately, delirium tremens can be controlled with medication, and there are certain steps you can take to prevent severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal before they become dangerous.

At Crestone Detox Austin – Alcohol & Drug Rehab, we can help you take back your life and stop the vicious cycle of alcohol abuse with a holistic range of treatments.

How Does Alcohol Affect the Body?

The central nervous system (CNS), which regulates your temperature, respiration, heart rate, and other processes, also functions as the pleasure and reward center.

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When you consume alcohol, the CNS is slowed down by alcohol’s depressant effects, which also impact your speech, reaction time, mood, motor skills, and perceptions.

Moreover, dopamine, a natural stimulant that heightens pleasure, is also released in response to alcohol.

Alcohol encourages the behavior of drinking because it raises dopamine levels beyond what they would naturally be. The brain is permanently overstimulated as a result of regular, substantial alcohol consumption.

What’s more, withdrawal symptoms are brought on by the brain’s continued overstimulation even after drinking has stopped. Consuming large amounts of alcohol regularly can cause lasting brain damage, memory loss, and blackouts.

Alcohol Withdrawal: Delirium Tremens

People who drink extensively may experience an acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome known as delirium tremens. It’s referred to in medicine as a “delirium tremens” since it frequently leads to the sufferer being confused and disoriented.

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Surgery, a fever, or a severe injury are just a few potential triggers. However, alcohol withdrawal is the main cause.

Irrespective of the initiating factors, acute episodes are typically preceded by a number of phases that change the chemistry of the brain. If left untreated, it could result in confusion, anxiety, and disorientation.

The National Library of Medicine states that while discontinuing or cutting back on alcohol intake, a number of people (including 50 percent of those with a history of alcohol abuse) can suffer certain symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal.

Only a small percentage of people (three to five percent) have serious withdrawal symptoms, such as memory loss, uncontrollable muscular movements, and cardiac arrest. Alcohol withdrawal delirium, often known as delirium tremens, is the most frequent name for this disorder.

Why Is Delirium Tremens Dangerous?

Alcohol addiction alters the brain in the same way that all dependencies do. Delirium tremens may develop as a result, but why does it go from being a symptom of withdrawal to a risky and potentially life-threatening brain condition?

The neural system’s extraordinary sensitivity to stress is one factor. Your CNS may go into overdrive when it is under physical or emotional strain. This could cause an episode of delirium tremens.

Moreover, the liver’s inability to degrade the harmful byproducts of alcohol metabolism is another contributing factor. Among these substances are methanol, acetone, and ethylene glycol. The accumulation of such toxic substances can also result in delirium tremens episodes.

The Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment uses the number of withdrawal symptoms you experience to determine whether you are in danger of delirium tremens. The rating can be used to detect risk factors and the severity of your symptoms.

Risk Factors for Delirium Tremens

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Alcohol is perhaps one of the deadliest substances to stop, even though it is both legal and easily accessible.

The truth is that not everyone who goes through alcohol withdrawal will have DT. Chronic alcohol abusers are thought to have a lifetime risk of between 5 and 10 percent of developing this syndrome.

While alcohol consumption is the same for both sexes, there is no discernible difference in the risk for DT. In contrast, white patients are twice as likely to experience severe alcohol withdrawal as non-white sufferers. This is believed to be caused by variances in how the body absorbs alcohol caused by genetics.

If you have one or more of these symptoms, you could be at risk for delirium tremens:

  • Heavy drinking, which can be defined as consuming four to five pints of wine, one pint of hard liquor, or seven to eight pints of beer each day
  • Long-term pattern of heavy drinking, generally lasting 10 years or longer
  • Concurrent diseases or low general health
  • Older age
  • Structural lesions in the brain
  • Having intense cravings for alcoholic beverages
  • A previous DT-induced withdrawal episode

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Associated with Delirium Tremens

The symptoms of delirium tremens range from mild to severe. In the section below, we’ll take a closer look at these symptoms.

Mild Withdrawal Symptoms

The minor symptoms of delirium tremens include:

  • Fatigue
  • Sleepiness
  • Fear or excitement
  • Sensitivity to sound, light, and touch
  • Bursts of energy

Severe Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

The following symptoms are serious and indicate a medical emergency:

  • Fever
  • Chest pain
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Hallucinations
  • Changes in mental function
  • Delirium tremens
  • Alcohol withdrawal seizures

We will discuss which symptoms of delirium tremens are typically associated with which stage of withdrawal later in this article.

Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome and Seizures

Seizures are another major symptom affecting those experiencing DT and withdrawal syndrome. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures are the most frequent type of seizures.

The effects of this kind of seizure, which can include hallucinations and disorientation, spread throughout the body.

Violent muscular contractions and a loss of consciousness are two additional issues that are frequently linked to this type of seizure.

It should be noted that seizures are not always the result of delirium tremens and can potentially be a sign of alcohol poisoning (typically after a binge drinking event). Nevertheless, medical attention must be sought immediately if someone is having a seizure.

Timeline and Stages

DT sufferers typically experience symptoms two to four days after their last drink, though they can also appear 7 to 10 days afterward. Delirium tremens occurs in the third stage of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS), and not everyone will experience it.

Stage One: Mild Symptoms

The first withdrawal stage typically starts 8 to 24 hours following the last drink and is distinguished by symptoms like headaches, increased anxiety, and sleeplessness.

Stage Two: Moderate Symptoms

Nausea, sweating, and elevated blood pressure are the features of the second stage of AWS, which starts two to three days after the sufferer’s last drink. Following the onset of the initial, mild symptoms, the individual will likely experience visual and auditory hallucinations 12 to 24 hours following their last drink.

Stage Three: Seizures

Two to four days following the last drink, extreme symptoms of withdrawal might result in the third stage, which includes delirium tremens and alcoholic seizures. These symptoms, which include coma, strong muscular contractions, and loss of consciousness, can persist for up to five days.

Medical Treatment for Delirium Tremens

As you may have seen, alcohol delirium tremens is a serious condition, but are there any ways to treat alcohol withdrawal?

Because delirium tremens causes autonomic hyperactivity, it is important to control agitation and reduce the risks of seizures and mortality.

Patients are frequently provided access to various drugs that can effectively treat severe symptoms associated with withdrawal and delirium tremens. Benzodiazepines, particularly lorazepam and diazepam, for example, are typically used to aid in the treatment of some symptoms.

Preventing Delirium Tremens

If you are suffering from an alcohol use problem, you must seek assistance as soon as you decide to quit drinking to prevent DT. Visiting a recognized medical detox center can help you safely manage the effects of withdrawal.

You will have the assurance that a team of professionals will help you avoid DT or manage any symptoms of withdrawal.

Prevent Life-threatening Symptoms by Getting the Help You Need

Alcohol use can have serious consequences. While there is no cure for DT, there are steps you can take to prevent it from happening. This is why getting medically guided help when you choose to stop drinking is important.

At Crestone, we are committed to helping sufferers quit alcohol abuse safely. Contact us today to find out more about our programs!

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Our team works 24/7 to ensure that our patients are always taken care of. Call today to learn more about our unique programs and services.

Alcohol abuse problems affect a wide range of people in our country. Several institutes such as the Mental Health Services Administration and JAMA Psychiatry have published studies regarding how severe alcohol consumption can lead from mild symptoms to even life-threatening problems.

Once the central nervous system gets used to having alcohol all of the time, stopping could pose a problem. Some common withdrawal symptoms people experience are hallucinations or even delirium tremens. Still, there are many other withdrawal symptoms.

What is the best way to detox from Alcohol? Getting an alcohol detox with the help of medical professionals is the best thing people can do to end alcohol dependence, especially when dealing with more severe withdrawal symptoms. The following page will outline the most common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and how approved treatment centers can help fight strong and mild withdrawal symptoms.

Alarming Facts Surrounding Alcohol Addiction

Alarming facts surrounding alcohol addiction

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has an updated website with statistics surrounding substance abuse. Some of the more alarming facts include:

  • 14.5 million people ages 12 or older had alcohol use disorder in 2019.
  • Less than 10% of people with alcohol abuse problems received any treatment.
  • Approximately 95,000 people die from alcohol abuse-related causes each year.

It’s important to note that alcohol and drug abuse can lead to several problems, including problems with blood pressure, neurological impairments, and even cancer.

Considering these problems anyone experiencing mild or severe symptoms of alcohol intake should seek to experience alcohol withdrawal addiction treatment at approved treatment centers.

What Is Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome?

A woman sitting ni front of an alcohol

Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS) refers to the symptoms a person can experience once they reduce or stop their alcohol intake. Overall, severe cases of AWS can lead to life-threatening problems, including delirium tremens.

Those with severe alcohol dependence may seek a Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment, a test used to measure AWS. Moreover, it can help determine the severity of the symptoms the person is experiencing. Even people who only experience mild withdrawal symptoms should take the test.

Is It Possible to Stop Drinking Immediately (Cold Turkey)?

The term “cold turkey” refers to people who stop drinking immediately. However, those who drink heavily or engage in chronic alcohol use may experience life-threatening symptoms, so it’s not recommended.

In any case, In any case, seeking substance abuse treatment with a medical professional is always recommended instead of trying a detox process alone.

What Causes Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms?

Generally speaking, the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal come when you’re drinking more than a few days each week. If you can’t control the amount of alcohol consumed, you may already need professional treatment advice.

Remember that alcohol tends to have a depressing effect on a person’s system. Drinking too much can change how their brain processes messages, leading to more severe symptoms and mental disorders.

When you stop alcohol use, your brain may still try to keep the body fighting alcohol’s depressive effects since it’s already used to it, which causes people to experience withdrawal symptoms.

What Are the Most Common Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms?

Man showing the most common alcohol withdrawal

Withdrawal symptoms may vary from person to person, so it’s a matter of keeping an eye out on the patient. Depending on how much the person used to drink, they may experience prolonged symptoms involving the following:

Minor Symptoms

  • Mild anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Alcohol cravings
  • Increased body temperature
  • Insomnia or other sleep disturbances
  • Headaches
  • Sweating

Severe Symptoms

  • Delirium tremens
  • Withdrawal seizures
  • Hallucinations
  • Disorientation
  • Bad mood
  • Tremors

Delirium tremens is known for causing severe hallucinations and delusions, which is why it’s considered one of the most dangerous alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Those experiencing delirium tremens may have to seek professional medical care at a treatment center. While only about 5% of alcohol detox patients experience DTs, the treatment facility will monitor other related conditions.

How Does the Alcohol Detox Timeline Look Like?

Woman kneeling on a bathroom floor having alcohol withdrawal symptoms

As with the alcohol withdrawal symptoms, the timeline for these symptoms may vary depending on the patient. Some factors affecting the alcohol withdrawal timeline include age underlying medical conditions and genetics.

In some cases, alcohol withdrawal symptoms can start even two hours after the person’s last drink. Here’s what the average timeline for someone experiencing withdrawal symptoms looks like:

  • Six to 12 Hours – The patient can experience physical symptoms like nausea, high blood pressure, vomiting, shaking, and headaches. Psychological symptoms include irritability and anxiety.
  • 24 Hours – Symptoms may get more severe. Some new symptoms include seizures, disorientation, and tremors.
  • 48 Hours – The patient can experience hallucinations and panic attacks two days after their last drink since the body will start adjusting to the absence of alcohol.
  • Three to Seven Days – More severe alcohol withdrawal problems may appear, including delirium tremens.
  • First Week and Onward – Depending on the patient, the person may start experiencing the lower intensity of symptoms, although they may still experience low energy, insomnia, anxiety, and other problems.

Why Seeking Alcoholism Treatment Is the Patient’s Best Option

Doctor explaining why seeking alcoholism treatment is important

Anyone going through an alcohol detox process must seek help from a treatment center. People experiencing different withdrawal symptoms may not know the best way to deal with them, which can increase the chances of a relapse.

On the other hand, seeking help from a certified addiction professional will ensure the patient deals with these symptoms with support. Moreover, centers that offer alcohol detox often offer outpatient treatment, which addresses other things like nutritional deficiencies.

An alcohol detox program from a treatment center will aim to find the root cause of the person’s desire to consume alcohol. Moreover, these centers will provide immediate medical attention if the symptoms are too severe. In short, a medical detox managed by healthcare professionals will always be the right route.

How Does an Alcohol Detox Program Work?

How does an alcohol detox program work - crestone detox and rehab austin

People dependent on alcohol may look for a specific treatment center or find help here. Overall, each specific treatment provider has a program that will cover the person’s needs, ensuring their detox from alcohol is as safe as possible.

The treatment provider will first cover any medical emergency and then outline the best course of action to tackle the initial detox. As mentioned, the patient cannot suddenly stop drinking since that will cause further problems like increased blood pressure, rapid heart rate, hallucinations, and more.

In essence, the primary goal of an alcohol detox program from a treatment facility includes:

  • Relieving discomfort symptoms.
  • Getting the patient to quit drinking safely.
  • Preventing severe symptoms that come from quitting drinking.
  • Getting long-term patient treatment for binge drinking issues.

The treatment providers may use particular medication until the person stops drinking safely. Some of the most common medications that a regular treatment program uses include:

  • Benzodiazepines like Ativan, Valium, Librium, etc.
  • Antipsychotics like Risperdal, Abilify, Zyprexa, etc.
  • Naltrexone
  • Baclofen
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Anti-nausea medication

In any case, the treatment providers will provide the patient with an outline of all the medications necessary for them to detox safely.

What Are the Advantages of an Alcohol Detox Program?

Man feeling the advantage of being in an alcohol detox program

Decreasing the alcohol level in a person’s system is only one of the benefits. Getting outpatient and inpatient care will provide the person with several benefits, including:

Removing Harmful Toxins: Detox programs help your body get rid of harmful toxins aside from alcohol, which will improve the current state of your liver, colon, and kidneys.

Boosting Immunity: As mentioned before, alcohol takes a massive toll on the body, making it function incorrectly. A detox program will ensure that all the organs in a person’s bodywork as intended, ensuring the immune system gets stronger.

Promoting Weight Loss: It may not seem like it, but heavy drinking can cause a person to gain too much weight, which isn’t healthy. Getting a treatment provider to help with the detox will help the patient engage in healthier lifestyles that promote weight loss.

Promoting Better Skin: Detox programs help people fight hair loss and acne since the person will start sweating out the contaminants and other harmful chemicals, resulting in healthier and brighter skin.

Having Healthier Habits: Alcohol addiction can often lead to poor life habits, bad moods, and other problems. Once the person finishes the detox program, they will start replacing bad habits with healthier ones.

Improving Mental Health: One of the primary benefits of alcohol detox is that it allows the patient to start thinking more clearly. It’s known that excessive alcohol consumption can impair a person’s ability to think straight, so getting rid of that substance will help the person regain their thinking criteria.

Community Support: A rehab facility often offers group therapy sessions to help the person get through the experience. Typically, a recovering addict will feel alone and hopeless, but having people nearby who are going through a similar process will significantly benefit the detox plan.

Is an Alcohol Detox Program All You Need?

While a detox treatment will help anyone going through alcohol addiction, it’s not considered a cure. In most cases, people must follow treatment to remain sober once they get out of rehab.

Overall, detox will help the person reduce alcohol intake safely. Once the patient gets out of rehab, they may have to get medically evaluated to see what treatment is needed to avoid relapsing. While further treatment may seem discouraging for recovering patients, the proper facilities will ensure that these plans are safe and supportive.

How Does Therapy Post-detox Work?

Group of people doing post detox therapy

Patients can seek many treatment options once they’re finished with detox. Our facilities offer a holistic approach to therapy so that the patient is safe at every step of the process.

Some of the most standard therapy types include the following:

  • Group Therapy or Family Therapy
  • Individual Therapy
  • Health and Nutrition Programs
  • 12-step Programs

As mentioned before, the institution will assess the person’s physical and mental condition after detox to determine the most appropriate plan.

Seek a Treatment Provider Today!

Recovery may seem complicated or even impossible for some people. However, getting the right help will ensure the patient doesn’t have to go through that complex process alone.

If you or a valued one are experiencing alcohol abuse problems, don’t hesitate to seek help from our team. Taking the initial step is the most challenging part, but it’s also the most important one. The medical professionals will help the patient go through each necessary step comfortably and safely to enjoy a healthier and happier life.

Remember that alcohol abuse is a serious issue worldwide, and nobody deserves to go through withdrawal symptoms alone. We’re ready to help you in the best way possible!