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Internal Family Systems Therapy

Crestone Wellness is proud to offer internal family systems therapy for families struggling with addiction in Austin.

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a family sitting in a field watching the sunset

Internal Family Systems Therapy with Crestone Wellness

  • The Self: Beyond ego or consciousness, the “Self” in IFS is our core essence, embodying qualities like calmness, compassion, curiosity, and confidence.
  • Sub-personalities or Parts: These are the mini personas inside us, shaped by our experiences. They could be protectors (guarding us from harm), managers (maintaining our day-to-day life), or exiles (parts that hold pain, trauma, or negative beliefs, often pushed out of consciousness).
  • Healing: The goal of IFS is for the ‘Self’ to lead the process, understand each ‘part,’ and help it find its optimal role.

Benefits of Internal Family Systems Therapy for Addiction

women in a supportive hug

Comprehensive Self-awareness

Addiction often acts as a veil, shrouding one’s true self. Through IFS, individuals get a clearer, broader understanding of their internal dynamics. They become acutely aware of the triggers, cravings, and the underlying parts driving their addictive behaviors. This profound self-awareness acts as the foundation for lasting change.

Deep Relationship Healing

Relationships bear the brunt of addiction’s chaos. Families, friendships, and romantic ties can get strained. IFS offers a roadmap to understand the underlying dynamics causing relational conflicts. With this depth of understanding, individuals and families can work towards mending broken ties, reinforcing bonds, and building bridges of trust and mutual respect.

Trauma Resolution and Processing

Many individuals turn to addictive substances or behaviors as an escape from traumas, whether they’re evident or latent. IFS provides a gentle yet profound way to unearth these traumas, acknowledge them, and facilitate a healing process. It’s akin to cleaning and dressing a wound, allowing it to heal fully and properly.

Empowerment and Autonomy

By recognizing and understanding their internal parts, individuals gain control over their reactions and behaviors. Instead of feeling enslaved by their addictions, they feel empowered to make choices that align with their true self, fostering autonomy and self-determination.

Holistic Healing

Beyond just tackling addiction, IFS promotes overall well-being. As individuals understand and harmonize their internal systems, they often experience reduced stress, better emotional regulation, improved interpersonal relationships, and an overall enhanced quality of life.

Why Choose Crestone Wellness for Family Therapy in Austin

Qualified Therapists

Tailored Approaches

Safe and Nurturing Environment

Who Can Benefit from Austin Family Therapy at Crestone Wellness?

Structured Environment for Recovery

Residential treatment provides a structured and supervised environment that keeps individuals away from potential triggers and distractions, allowing them to focus on their recovery. The constant supervision and support from our team also help minimize the risk of relapse.

Comprehensive and Integrated Treatment

Our residential treatment programs offer an integrated approach, addressing not only substance use disorders but also any co-occurring mental health disorders. This comprehensive approach helps to treat all aspects of an individual’s health, making recovery more sustainable.

24/7 Medical Support and Supervision

Round-the-clock medical supervision ensures that any withdrawal symptoms or complications are promptly addressed. Our medical team continuously monitors and supports clients throughout the detoxification process, thereby facilitating safer and more comfortable recovery.

Peer Support

Living in a residential treatment center enables clients to build a supportive network with peers who are going through similar struggles. This peer support can be incredibly beneficial in fostering a sense of community and understanding, which can greatly enhance the recovery process.

Skill Development

Our comprehensive treatment programs help individuals develop essential skills for maintaining sobriety and managing their mental health. These skills can include stress management, emotion regulation, healthy coping strategies, and more.

Family Involvement

At Crestone Wellness, we involve family members in the treatment process. This involvement helps strengthen the support system of our clients, promoting understanding and mutual growth for everyone involved.

a close group therapy session

Reach Out to Start on Your Road to Recovery

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Residential Treatment

What type of disorders does Crestone Wellness treat in its residential treatment program?

How long does the residential treatment program typically last?

What does a typical day look like in the residential treatment program?

Are family members involved in the treatment process?

What happens after the residential treatment program?