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What Is A Medically Assisted Detox: Definition And Process

What is a medical detox: definition and process

Substance use disorders are no joke, and seriously turn the lives of those who deal with them upside down. Should you or a loved one struggle with this challenge, you may consider the services of drug or alcohol treatment centers.

Before doing so, however, you may have a few concerns. Sure, the ideas of family therapy and support groups sound nice, but how does drug rehab work? Does it even work? If you have a drug abuse challenge, what should really be your expectation?

Well, there’s no need for these details to be shrouded in mystery any longer as all you need to know as you consider a drug or alcohol rehab program is below.

Elements of a Drug Rehab Program

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Technically speaking, not every drug rehab center is built equal. Additionally, the strategies a recovery sees being used by his or her treatment providers can vary significantly from one center to the next.

Each mental health professional may have little nuances in the way they do this, which is completely normal. Nevertheless, there is a typical framework that you’ll see where these kinds of programs are concerned.

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First, there is the intake element, which begins with understanding the specific drug or alcohol abuse case.

The treatment process should never be treated like a one size fits all kind of deal. Instead, time should be taken to understand the specific needs of an addict and determine if the specific center is right for the person.

Next, the treatment center will begin to focus on the detoxification process. A safe setting with supervision is used to start drug rehab programs by ridding the body of harmful toxins while monitoring patients

The real drug rehab element comes next, and its approach will often depend on the individual. Treatment and related services may be offered via transitional living or outpatient programs. Therapy sessions and skill development may also be involved.

Finally, there’s the recovery. Of course, individual treatment outcomes depend on both the extent of the drug and alcohol problems and how appropriate the addiction treatment program was.

Inpatient Rehab Programs

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An inpatient drug rehab center offers those going through treatment somewhere to live as the process gets underway.

Many people will need this kind of facility as what’s most effective for them is removing them from the different triggers that may lead to substance abuse again.

There isn’t one kind of environment that comes under this category. For example, some drug and alcohol rehab inpatient programs take place in a hospital environment. Alternatively, you may find that there’s a luxury rehab center at play.

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The overall benefit of an inpatient rehab program is the overall immersion of it all. Technically speaking, everything done will be related to recovery. With the extent of sober free time and therapy available, those going through drug rehab should learn healthier habits to replace substance abuse with.

Outpatient Treatment

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While outpatient treatment programs offer addiction treatment services, they do not provide the same kind of monitoring of mental and physical health and observation that their inpatient counterparts would.

You will also find that these treatment programs have several levels that help to deal with addiction and the mental disorders that may come along with it.

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These levels include substance use counseling, partial hospitalization programs (PHPs), and intensive outpatient programs (IOPs). The typical timetable sees treatment take place a few hours each day for several days weekly.

Choosing a Rehab Center for Addiction Treatment

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With the different rehab centers available, the idea of choosing one can be daunting. To assist with your rehab and overall mental health, you want to know that you’re in the hands of a treatment center that is known for its professionalism and experience.

Additionally, you’d want to know that your program is tailored to you and not a cookie-cutter one.

Some of the things you can use to decide on a rehab facility are:

  • A rehab process that include aftercare
  • A variety of holistic therapies, which may include animal-assisted therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc.
  • A personalized treatment plan
  • Proximity
  • Affordability

What Does the Standard Day in Drug Rehab Programs Look Like?

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If your specific rehab center has an inpatient program of some kind to help those dealing with substance addictions, there is quite a bit of variation in how a typical day may go. Nevertheless, the following elements may be a part of it:

  • Healthy breakfast
  • Group therapy
  • Recreational activities
  • Appointments with clinicians or other medical professionals
  • Engaging activities
  • Dinner
  • 12-step meetings
  • Journaling/meditation

An inpatient facility for substance use disorder assistance needs to promote the idea of having a routine as this is a great way to create both comfort and familiarity as a part of the individual therapy process.

How Effective Is Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Substance Abuse Challenges?

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It’s a known fact that drug rehab programs are highly recommended for those struggling to maintain sobriety. They are meant to provide a supportive environment, which is essential to the ongoing recovery process.

As it stands right now, there is no more effective option for those looking to beat addiction by going through the required emotional healing process and becoming effectively reintegrated into society. Professional rehab programs are listed as the most effective by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

Addiction is very disruptive to the brain and behavior, and the treatment options available help to stop this, giving people back the control over their lives that they had previously lost.

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Even with all this being true, the end is often not what anyone would want to see unfold. Most people will see the treatment stop them from returning to drugs or alcohol for up to a year. Unfortunately, the battle with addiction is often a lifelong process and most people don’t win.

Several factors will influence the eventual outcome, including:

  • Presence of triggers
  • The current state of psychological functioning
  • Availability of outpatient care
  • Programs designed at inpatient facilities
  • Development of constructive happ

The Idea of Personal Growth as a Sign of Success During the Recovery Process

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Recovering from the abuse of drugs or alcohol can be incredibly difficult. The typical measure of success of the programs that are used to assist those who are struggling tends to be the extent to which they remain sober permanently. However, that is technically not the only measure that can be used.

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Another way to look at it is the extent to which the person grows as an individual. Is there now a steady job in the mix? Have relationships that were previously damaged because of abuse improved? If there is a relapse, will the person be able to identify the problem and seek assistance in addressing it? These are all good measures to use.

The Bottom Line

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How does drug rehab work? Well, there is a standard process that includes evaluation, detoxification, rehabilitation, and more! If you are having a challenge with addiction, it helps to reach out to a reputable treatment center that will look at you as a unique case and develop a program that is specifically tailored to your unique needs.

While the success of a rehab program is often looked at through the lens of quitting the substance altogether, a measure of personal growth and a different outlook may also be used.

If you’re struggling with addiction in Austin, TX, and need a tailored plan and compassionate people who will work with you holistically, contact Crestone Detox Austin – Alcohol & Drug Rehab today.

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Most people find that the biggest fear associated with addiction treatment is going through withdrawal. It’s hard to give up drugs or alcohol after long periods of heavy usage. You could end up with uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Plus, you’re unsure how to handle them or what they might be, making the entire idea intimidating beyond belief.

Many times, the anticipation of withdrawal is enough to derail your motivation to overcome substance abuse.

Since there could be many medical complications surrounding detoxification, it’s best to choose a medical detox center to receive a medically-assisted detox. Crestone Detox Austin – Alcohol & Drug Rehab can help you create a treatment plan that includes appropriate medical care and medications. You are always surrounded by medical staff to ensure that you’re comfortable and prevent issues.

Overcoming a physical dependency on drugs and alcohol is possible. We offer both a drug detox and an alcohol detox program. Please call us today to get started!

What Is a Medical Detox?

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When someone becomes significantly dependent on one or multiple substances, they may experience difficult mental or physical withdrawal symptoms when they reduce or stop using them. Supervised medical detoxification is the best way to address the many issues you may face because it’s in a controlled environment.

Doctors and medical staff offer comfort care during the detox process and can prescribe medication to help you through this challenging time.

Medical detox isn’t a substitute for comprehensive addiction treatment programs. Instead, it’s the entry point to get into rehab or find a suitable substance abuse treatment that meets your needs.

Generally, medical detox can make the entire physical withdrawal process easier to handle. This might reduce the likelihood of an immediate relapse so that the patient can focus on recovery.

It’s often best to visit an inpatient facility that offers a medical detox program. Crestone can assist you through this difficult time. Once you’re well and over withdrawal symptoms, we can help you transition into ongoing treatment with therapeutic services.

Why Choose Medical Detoxification

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Usually, treatment requires a swift directional change. You or a loved one might have to leave your entire life on hold to stay in a rehabilitation center for a month or longer. It seems like it’s too much. Many people feel that going “cold turkey” or quitting abruptly is better than going to a medical detox facility.

Unfortunately, quitting cold turkey or tapering off isn’t as simple as it seems. Some substances, including benzodiazepines and alcohol, have a severe withdrawal syndrome. This can be life-threatening in certain situations.

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Trying to quit those substances without proper medical support can be perilous in certain situations. However, some substances don’t have the same withdrawal issues and aren’t immediately dangerous. Still, they are uncomfortable enough that you relapse.

For example, prescription opioids can leave you feeling like you have the flu during withdrawal. If it’s left unmanaged, the extreme sickness overtakes you quickly, prompting the return to the drug of your choice. Therefore, medical detox programs are generally the best option for you.

Overall, medical detox helps you ease into sobriety gently. With this method, you don’t have to deal with withdrawal symptoms alone. That process could get you right back to using drugs or alcohol just to get relief!

Instead, we help you through the detox process at our medical detox facility. Our qualified nurses and doctors look after you 24/7 and can prescribe medications to help alleviate the withdrawal symptoms you feel and curb cravings. Plus, we monitor your health.

If any concerning issues arise, our medical staff can intervene quickly. Sometimes, substance dependence requires withdrawal management that includes a tapered schedule of medicines to reduce withdrawal symptoms and lower your risk of complications.

Consider Crestone

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At Crestone Detox Austin – Alcohol & Drug Rehab, our medical detox centers have everything you need to overcome drug addiction. We monitor your condition and are alerted when an issue arises. If you or someone you love gets treatment from us, you can rest easy knowing that we watch for changes and ensure they stay safe throughout the process.

What’s an Inpatient Detox vs. an Outpatient Detox?

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In a sense, the inpatient detox requires you to stay in a hospital or at a rehab center, and outpatient detoxification doesn’t.

They are both focused on your rehabilitation, but they go about it in different ways. Typically, you seek inpatient programs when you require a medical detox and want to work through your treatment with others. It’s best for those who can’t stay away from drugs otherwise.

Withdrawal Symptoms and Signs

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The substance withdrawal symptoms you face depend on what drug you use. Typically, you deal with physical and psychological symptoms, and they can include things like:

  • Depression
  • Mood changes
  • Anxiety
  • Inability to feel joy
  • Headaches
  • Hypersomnia or insomnia
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle aches
  • Appetite changes
  • Shaking of the hands
  • Sweating
  • Red or watery eyes
  • Runny nose

The above is just a general list of signs you might face. The goal is to ease withdrawal symptoms whenever possible, and medical detoxification can help you achieve your goals.

When Do You Need a Medical Detox?

The World Health Organization and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration often advise an inpatient medical detox to withdraw from alcohol, sedatives, and benzodiazepines (Xanax and Valium).

Benzo and alcohol withdrawal can result in seizures, agitation, and severe anxiety. At the extreme, unmanaged symptoms of alcohol abuse can cause DTs (delirium tremens). This is a possibly deadly syndrome that includes hallucinations, impaired consciousness, profound confusion, and autonomic nervous system hyperactivity, such as dangerously elevated heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature.

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Medical supervision is often best because it gives you a safe environment for withdrawal.

A medical detox program is there to help you reduce withdrawal symptoms and receive medical supervision during the entire process. SAMHSA recommends inpatient detoxes for opioid withdrawal. While this can have less dangerous health risks, you can still get quite sick and might experience complications, including dehydration.

Reasons to Consider a Medical Detox:

It might be beneficial to receive clonidine-assisted heroin detoxification (or detox from any drug or alcohol) if you:

  • Fear the withdrawal symptoms you might face
  • Have co-occurring mental health disorders
  • Are pregnant
  • Have a severe medical condition
  • Experienced mental health issues and used substances to self-medicate
  • Have had severe withdrawal experiences before this one
  • Had withdrawal attempts in the past that didn’t last

Types of Detox

Detox centers like Crestone can assist with many situations. The top choices are a drug detox and alcohol detox.

Many of the treatments are similar. During alcohol detox, we watch you thoroughly to ensure that you’re not having severe withdrawal symptoms.

Typically, an alcohol detox focuses more on the DTs, though you could become dehydrated, depressed, and anxious.

What Happens Afterward? Is There More to Addiction Treatment?

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The National Institute on Drug Abuse claims that medical detox is just the first stage of addiction treatment. Alone, it isn’t enough to address your addiction because it’s solely focused on physical dependence and not psychological, social, and behavioral problems. Therefore, you must seek additional treatment programs after detox that offer behavioral therapies.

Rehab programs can include outpatient and inpatient facilities for drugs and alcohol. They give you a chance to dive into the problems that led you to continued drug use. Plus, you learn the skills necessary to manage your triggers, resist cravings, and develop better ways of dealing with the negative feelings you might have.

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Both inpatient and outpatient options can serve you and support recovery. Typically, outpatient programs aren’t as intensive as inpatient ones, so you’re in treatment for fewer hours each week. You have more freedom, so many patients utilize them for mild or moderate substance use disorders. They also work well after you’ve completed an intensive treatment.

You can find many American addiction centers, but Crestone Detox Austin – Alcohol & Drug Rehab might be the best choice. Once you detoxify the body, we help you find recovery meetings and talk to a sober community that understands what you’ve gone through!

How Can Crestone Assist?

Detox centers are one of the best ways to overcome substance addiction. Crestone offers many substance abuse treatment programs, which include alcohol detox and drug detox.

Seek treatment today with a medically supervised detox. Call us