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Opiate Addiction Treatment

Kratom Addiction: Symptoms, Withdrawal and Treatment

Written By:

Alex Kudisch

Kratom addiction: symptoms, withdrawal and treatment

Kratom is marketed as an herbal substance and produces opiate-like effects. It’s generally used as a substitute for opiates, and most people utilize it to treat fatigue, pain, and mental health conditions.

Is Kratom legal? It is in many states, but the addictive properties are more evident now as people continue to use it.

Are you struggling with a Kratom addiction? There are many treatment options available. Psychotherapy and medically assisted addiction treatment offer the care you need. Let’s find out what Kratom addiction is all about and why you should turn to Crestone Detox Austin – Alcohol & Drug Rehab for assistance. Call to get started on your journey to being drug-free today!

What’s Kratom?

Kratom is an evergreen tree that’s native to Southeast Asia, though the product is derived from the leaves. They’re marketed primarily as herbal supplements and have been used for decades as a traditional opiate substitute.

The farmers and laborers often ingested the Kratom leaves to boost their energy or for use as a substitute for opium. The effects can vary based on the individual, as well. Low doses often lead to stimulant effects. Higher doses provide a more sedative and opioid-like feeling.

Kratom is well-known in the US, but the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t approve of it for use. Is Kratom legal? Technically, yes.

People use it for the treatment of:

  • Depression
  • Physical pain
  • Anxiety
  • Opioid withdrawal symptoms or cravings

The Kratom leaves feature a psychoactive ingredient, which is usually crushed and smoked, put into gel capsules, or brewed in tea for the effects. Most people report fewer withdrawal symptoms or cravings when using it, especially for an opioid addiction. Others use it for recreational purposes or to manage chronic pain.

Effects appear within five to 10 minutes and last about two to five hours.

Overall, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has listed Kratom as a “concerning drug” in the 2017 guide, along with DXM and salvia, because of the adverse effects associated with it. Likewise, the FDA doesn’t recommend using it and has not approved Kratom for medicinal use. Some states have made it illegal, as well.

Kratom Withdrawal Symptoms

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Research indicates that people can develop a dependence on Kratom and eventual withdrawal symptoms. This could be from the chemical compounds that activate and bind to the opioid receptors in the brain. That is similar to other substances, such as prescription pain relief drugs and heroin.

When your body gets no more Kratom, the symptoms are often painful or even lethal. Most people get addicted to it. Overall, drug addiction happens gradually and usually in these stages:

  • Trial – You might take Kratom just a few times to treat the symptoms and then stop.
  • Regular Usage – If you have a positive experience with pure Kratom, you might continue using it for other symptoms, such as anxiety and sadness. When pain ceases, you may choose to use it still.
  • Increasing Risks – Now, you might see symptoms of dependence but continue to take it because you’ve yet to experience harmful effects.
  • Dependence – Here, you’re experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop using Kratom. You might have painful effects, such as mood swings and aching muscles.
  • Substance Use Disorder – This is the final stage when you can’t live without the drug. You show psychological dependence signs and may use risky behaviors to continue the drug abuse.

Addiction is a complex disease, but it’s treatable. Make sure you know the signs of withdrawal. Generally, people addicted to Kratom or opioid drugs display specific changes mentally, physically, and behaviorally.

Psychological Symptoms

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Many people use Kratom to treat anxiety and depression, but studies haven’t determined how beneficial it is for mental illness. The initial symptoms include an increased talkativeness and sociability, but addiction reverses that and worsens the anxiety.

Psychological Kratom addiction symptoms can include:

  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Hostility
  • Anger
  • Mood swings

Rarely, substance abuse from Kratom causes psychosis and a loss of contact with reality. You may experience paranoia, delusions, or hallucinations.

Physical Symptoms

The effects of Kratom use can appear in just minutes after taking it. You might experience more energy, increased alertness, and euphoria, but they turn negative as time goes on.

Kratom withdrawal symptoms are often similar to withdrawing from opioid use disorder. If you fear someone is struggling with Kratom addiction, watch for sweating, trembling, or drug cravings. They often continue for weeks after the final dose.

Symptoms of withdrawal can be painful and uncomfortable, so many people continue the drug abuse to avoid them. This spirals into a substance use disorder quickly. Other signs of addiction can include:

  • Itchiness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle aches
  • Runny nose
  • Constipation
  • Increased urination
  • Drowsiness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Dry mouth
  • Sedation
  • Chills
  • Respiratory depression
  • Weight loss
  • Severe drug cravings when you can’t have Kratom
  • Anorexia
  • Loss of appetite

Behavioral Effects

The physical effects of Kratom use long-term lead to changes in your sleep habits and daily routine, especially when you try to quit. You might not have the energy for the gym or to work or appear tired and sluggish.

Excessive Kratom use is associated with agitation and irritability, so you may avoid your family members and friends. You might not be able to control your moods, which leads to social isolation, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

What Causes Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms from Kratom Addiction?

Several factors can cause you to take Kratom, but a substance use disorder is more complicated and might be caused by genetics, environmental factors, and psychological issues.

Studies indicate that some people are at a higher risk of addiction. These include:

  • Those with anxiety and depression
  • Those in physical pain
  • Those with a substance abuse disorder already

Traditionally, people use Kratom to self-treat their opioid withdrawal symptoms. This often does more harm and leads to another addiction. Here are the factors that might contribute to your drug abuse:

Personal History

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A person’s personal history plays a part in why Kratom users become addicted. Younger people are at a higher risk because young adults and teens are often more susceptible to changes and life stressors. If they can’t cope with these things healthily, they turn to substance abuse as a coping mechanism.

Likewise, those with no parental supervision and friends who often use drugs are generally more vulnerable.

External Stressors and Factors

External factors could cause you to get relief from Kratom. Stressful circumstances include losing a job and experiencing a death in the family. These situations drive you to release stress hormones, which could alter your genes and affect the reward circuitry in the brain.

Generally, when taking Kratom, you may find relief because of its short-term ability to reward you with feel-good chemicals.

Kratom users often cite chronic health conditions and injuries for their substance use disorders. Other risk factors may include:

  • Regular contact with high-risk situations and people
  • Living in poverty
  • High-stress careers
  • History of mental, physical, and sexual abuse
  • Relationship problems

Co-occurring Mental Health Conditions

Evidence suggests there’s a strong link between both addiction and mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression. Researchers discovered that people with mental illnesses could develop a substance use disorder. They turn to Kratom to deal with the symptoms, but long-term addiction could worsen them.

Co-occurring disorders could include:

  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Personality disorders
  • ADHD (Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder)

Common risk factors contribute to addiction and mental disorders, which include genetic conditions and trauma. Therefore, substance abuse disorder is a very complex and chronic condition.

Long- and Short-term Effects of a Kratom Addiction

Kratom is often promoted in health news and sold at vitamin stores because it does many things, including solving your opioid withdrawal symptoms. However, it’s more complicated because the long-term effects can lead to Kratom addiction, Kratom overdose, and death.

Millions of people suffer from a substance use disorder, which leads to adverse health effects. You may use it to relieve pain and improve your mood, but Kratom then takes over your life. Here are the short/long-term effects to consider:

Short-term Effects

Short-term effects vary based on the dosage. You might need higher doses to get opioid-like results, such as pain relief. However, smaller amounts act as a stimulant, boosting awareness and energy. This is primarily why those in Southeast Asia utilize it.

Symptoms come on quickly. The behavioral effects include more social behavior and talkativeness. However, you can also be calmer, enhance your mood, and feel extreme happiness.

The initial feelings are pleasurable, leading people to continue taking Kratom. However, physical dependence occurs with time, which often leads to substance abuse.

Long-term Symptoms

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Long-term symptoms of your Kratom addiction can be uncomfortable, leading to significant physical and mental health problems. Nausea and constipation are the biggest issues. This leads to weight loss and bowel complications. Likewise, Kratom overdose is a concern as you continue utilizing the drug.

Dependence and Withdrawal

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Kratom is natural, but studies indicate it’s unsafe. Addiction and dependence are the most dangerous effects of continued Kratom use. Often, physical dependence is gradual, so you don’t realize it’s taken hold. Similar to other drugs, withdrawal happens when you don’t get enough. Symptoms include:

  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Hostility
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Body aches

Such symptoms cause you to go back to Kratom, which often leads to substance abuse. Research suggests that it causes more problems than it will solve. Overall, it’s best to leave Kratom alone to avoid complications later. If you suffer from Kratom addiction, Crestone can help you! Contact us to learn more today.

When Should You Get Treatment?

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Substance use disorder is complex and can happen gradually without you knowing it. Some people continue taking Kratom because they don’t experience adverse effects. Others believe they can control the substance abuse and don’t realize it takes an emotional toll on their friends and family.

If you don’t know if you’ve got a drug addiction, medical professionals should diagnose you and find appropriate treatments. Do you think a loved one is suffering? Check out these signs to determine if they require assistance:

  • Taking more of the substance or for longer periods than intended
  • Needing larger doses all the time to achieve the initial symptoms
  • Experiencing a compulsive urge to use it, meaning you can’t concentrate on other things
  • Craving it regularly (throughout the day or each day)
  • Using risky behavior to get more, such as stealing from others
  • Spending more time using Kratom and then recovering from the effects
  • Using the drug, regardless of the risks and consequences
  • Requiring a constant supply around you
  • Combining Kratom with other drugs and driving under the influence
  • Experiencing withdrawal if you choose to quit
  • Failing to quit using Kratom

If you or a loved one struggle with the issues listed above, you’re not alone. Drug rehabilitation is crucial to reach sobriety and work on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Crestone Detox Austin – Alcohol & Drug Rehab can assist you!

What to Expect from Crestone

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Is Crestone Detox Austin – Alcohol & Drug Rehab ideal for recovery? Our team can help you reclaim your health and freedom one step at a time. We have many years of experience and can assist you!

Your addiction treatment is catered to meet your specific needs and reduces your need for continued Kratom use. We personalize your plan and use evidence-based practices. That means you get the right care to reduce the emotional, physical, and mental effects addiction has on you.

Do you want to control your Kratom abuse and stop using the drug? You need assistance from a compassionate and caring team. Please call Crestone today to get started on your recovery journey!

Kratom Addiction Treatment Process

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Treating a Kratom addiction is similar to other programs for substance use disorder. Inpatient and outpatient options can help you improve your quality of life and stay sober. Within the Kratom addiction treatment center, a compassionate team of doctors and counselors work with you to achieve a better lifestyle.

Psychotherapy and medically-assisted treatments are effective options for Kratom addiction. The recovery process generally involves:

  • Professional evaluations – When you enter into addiction treatment centers, the doctor assesses your needs. Clinicians discuss your medical history and relapses to create a customized plan.
  • Medical Detox – The MAT approach allows you to taper the drug from your body with medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It relieves the symptoms, which can prevent relapse and prepare you for your recovery process.
  • Inpatient Care – After the medical detox, you go to a residential program to utilize behavioral therapies and learn ways to stay sober.
  • Ongoing or Outpatient Treatment – You may attend outpatient programs, 12-step meetings, and more. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has many resources available to help with this aspect!

Advantages of Getting Treatment for a Kratom Addiction

Drug addiction is isolating and defeating. Some people don’t have a support system, but seeking treatment from a reputable source, such as Crestone Detox Austin – Alcohol & Drug Rehab, gives you access to counselors, doctors, and others who are going through addiction treatment with you.

Getting Kratom addiction treatment means having resources to overcome the disease and take your life back. You recover mentally and physically and gain the right tools to continue the new healthy lifestyle.

Here are some benefits of addiction treatment:

Accountability and Structure

After extended Kratom use, you require medical professionals to supervise you around the clock to prevent health problems and overcome the addiction. You get a safe environment away from triggers, so you focus on getting well. Therapists and other residents hold you accountable for reaching your goals through group meetings and sessions.

The first step to recovery is building a healthy routine, and doctors can create a plan that meets your needs. Generally, the programs have more structure and provide stability when your life feels unpredictable and chaotic.

Such programs offer supervision and organization, which is what people need while they learn about a healthy lifestyle and create a path for success once treatment has ended.

Improved Health

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Treatment centers don’t just focus on recovering from the addiction. You also think about your overall health (mind and body.) Substance use disorder often causes the body to lose out on essential nutrients, so you don’t sleep well and feel weak. Once you stop using the drugs and your body’s at that state, you’re likely to continue using them.

It’s best to focus on all aspects of your health!

When you work with us, you get balanced and healthy meals to provide the necessary nutrients your body needs. You should see an improved mood as time goes on, as well as healthy physical changes while treatment continues.

Working on your body offers two-fold benefits. You free your mind, learn to eat well, and curb your drug cravings to help you beat addiction. Generally, exercise is encouraged, and you may wish to join a health and fitness class or participate in group activities. You grow mentally and physically stronger while learning healthy habits that will continue after treatment!

Sense of Community

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Recovery from Kratom use is courageous, regardless of what level you’re at. However, you don’t have to suffer alone. One of the benefits of working with us is the sense of community you get when dealing with addiction. You’re welcomed by health professionals who care and are compassionate about you and your needs.

We help you through the recovery process, offering the necessary tools for success.

While you work with doctors who care, you also talk to other people who struggle with substance abuse. In these support groups, you can build genuine relationships that offer friendship, hope, and understanding when you require it the most. Recovery is always possible with community bonds to urge you along.


What Medications Treat Kratom Addiction?

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Though the FDA hasn’t approved Kratom use to relieve pain or for any other purpose, there are medications that can help with kratom withdrawal. Medical professionals often administer Vivitrol or Suboxone.

Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone and is FDA approved to treat opioid use disorder. Such medications often relieve the symptoms of withdrawal while reducing cravings because they level out the effects of the drug on the brain.

There’s very little research out there on appropriate treatment types for Kratom addiction. Therefore, you must be seen by a doctor first to determine whether those medications are suitable for you and will help with your situation.

Why Might a Person Use Kratom?

Kratom use is prevalent in Southeast Asia, and it’s been used there for hundreds of years. Generally, small doses offer more energy, while higher dosages provide a sense of relaxation. The effects are similar to other stimulants that block certain opioid receptors in the brain.

Research indicates that people use Kratom to treat their depression, chronic pain, anxiety, and withdrawal symptoms. Experts are continuing to investigate how effective it can be, and most studies report potential health risks and worsened initial conditions when using the drug long-term.

Can Kratom Help with Your Opiate Addiction?

More research is necessary to determine the therapeutic properties of Kratom use for opioid addiction. Currently, there haven’t been significant findings confirming that this drug is effective or safe for medical use. In fact, long-term usage has higher potential health risks, so it might be wise to avoid it.

Could Pure Kratom Affect Pregnancy?

There isn’t enough research available on using Kratom before, after, or during pregnancy. Pregnant women could believe it eases the symptoms of pregnancy, such as fatigue or morning sickness. However, the harmful side effects might lead to death, coma, or suppressed breathing.

It’s wise to avoid Kratom if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Regardless, you should talk to your doctor about safely stopping use and what health risks there could be to the baby if you don’t.

Get Kratom Addiction Treatment from Crestone

Substance abuse often feels like the worst unpredictable battle. You may be isolated from others, too.

If you or someone you love suffers from Kratom addiction, Crestone Detox Austin – Alcohol & Drug Rehab can help you recover and heal from the disease. We’re here to discover any underlying conditions and then break the cycle of Kratom abuse. That means you can return to your daily lifestyle.

Kratom is native to Southeast Asia and has been around for a while. However, long-term use could lead to trying other substances. There’s no need to suffer alone or feel like you have no way out.

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Alex Kudisch
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